Episode 1 : Nanashi walked into the classroom, a shy and quiet dude, completely oblivious to the three girls who had become infatuated with him. These girls couldn’t resist their desires and were determined to tempt Nanashi. The girls couldn’t contain their excitement and decided to pay Nanashi a visit at his house. As the girls entered Nanashi’s house, a mischievous glint appeared in their eyes. They engaged in idle chatter, but their conversation took a turn towards more indecent topics. The air became charged with amorous tension. and the girls couldn’t hide their desires any longer. “I want to do it!” one of them confessed. The words hung in the air, the room enveloped in a thick cloud of anticipation. In an instant, the girls pounced on Nanashi.

Boku ni Harem Sexfriend ga Dekita Riyuu
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How I made a Harem of Sex Friends, 僕にハーレムセフレが出来た理由
Status: Ongoing Studio: T-Rex Released: 2024 Duration: 16 min. Type: OVA Director: Raika Ken
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Synopsis Boku ni Harem Sexfriend ga Dekita Riyuu
Characters & Voice Actors


Tachibana, Sara



Tsuruya, Haruto

Watch Boku ni Harem Sexfriend ga Dekita Riyuu
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