Akira Motoura and his team or rather his harem travels to a hot spring resort to train for the upcoming volleyball game. This time they got two new rookies to strengthen their effort. Little they know that they being lured in a trap set by the two beutiful newcomers.

Kaette Kita Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi
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Angels in the Court 2, 帰ってきたコートの中の天使達
Status: Completed Studio: P core Released: 2001 Duration: 27 min. per ep. Type: OVA Episodes: 2 Director: Iizuka Kouichi, Watanabe Nobuyuki Producers: Pink Pineapple
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Watch streaming Kaette Kita Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi English Subbed on Uncensored Hentai. You can also download free Kaette Kita Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi Eng Sub, don't forget to watch online streaming of various quality 720P 360P 240P 480P according to your connection to save internet quota, Kaette Kita Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi on Uncensored Hentai MP4 MKV hardsub softsub English subbed is already contained in the video.
Synopsis Kaette Kita Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi
Characters & Voice Actors

Motoura, Ou